Electronic Road Pricing is a system adopted from Singapore to organize the traffic by
road pricing. Singapore is the first city in the world which applied this toll road pricing
system to overcome the traffic jam. This system uses an open gantry provided with a sensor,
so vehicles don‟t need to stop or slowup to pay. Sensor in the ERP gantry will detect On Boars Unit device installed in every vehicles passing by.
road pricing. Singapore is the first city in the world which applied this toll road pricing
system to overcome the traffic jam. This system uses an open gantry provided with a sensor,
so vehicles don‟t need to stop or slowup to pay. Sensor in the ERP gantry will detect On Boars Unit device installed in every vehicles passing by.
Your credits in OBU will be automatically decreased when you are passing ERP
Gantry. This system is similar to the electric gate system at toll road. The difference is that in
ERP system, the driver doesn‟t need to stop for a while in the payment gate. Drivers can keep
driving so it doesn‟t create a long queue. This OBU device is made by Kapsch, a company in
Sweden. This device is also used in Sweden.
This ERP implementation brings benefits for the government and people. for the
government, the levy charged will contribute to levy the Provincial Government of Jakarta.
For the community, reduction of vehicles amount will ease them to run smoothly. Thus,
there is no more pile of vehicles for highway which belongs the ERP area becomes the
exclusive items nowadays.
government, the levy charged will contribute to levy the Provincial Government of Jakarta.
For the community, reduction of vehicles amount will ease them to run smoothly. Thus,
there is no more pile of vehicles for highway which belongs the ERP area becomes the
exclusive items nowadays.
However, applying this technology system also requires a large amount of fund used
as the basis capital. To run the system well, the regional government are also required to provide such sophisticated technology. While for some people as users of the ERP area, they
might be economically burdensome. The need to use the road makes them pay the toll to the
government for passing the ERP area everyday.
as the basis capital. To run the system well, the regional government are also required to provide such sophisticated technology. While for some people as users of the ERP area, they
might be economically burdensome. The need to use the road makes them pay the toll to the
government for passing the ERP area everyday.
Sistem Jalan Berbayar atau Electronic Road Pricing merupakan sistem skema yang
diadopsi dari Singapura untuk mengatur lalu lintas dengan cara jalan berbayar. Singapura
adalah kota pertama di dunia yang menerapkan sistem pengumpulan tol jalan berbayar dalam
menanggulangi kemacetan. Sistem ini menggunakan gerbang terbuka yang menggunakan
sensor, sehingga kendaraan tidak perlu menghentikan atau memperlambat untuk membayar.
Sistem kerja sensor di gerbang ERP akan mendeteksi alat On Board Unit (OBU) yang
dipasangkan pada mobil yang melintas.
Secara otomatis pulsa dalam OBU akan terpotong begitu melewati gerbang ERP.
Sistem kerja tak jauh berbeda dengan gate electric di jalan tol. Bedanya dalam ERP
pengguna tidak perlu berhenti sejenak di gerbang pembayaran. Pengguna terus melaju
sehingga tidak menimbulkan antrean. Alat yang disebut OBU tersebut merupakan buatan
perusahaan Kapsch asal Swedia. Alat ini pula yang dipakai oleh negara Swedia.
Penerapan ERP ini membawa keuntungan bagi pemerintah maupun bagi masyarakat.
Bagi pemerintah, pungutan yang dikenakan akan menambah retribusi Pemerintah Daerah
Provinsi DKI Jakarta. Bagi masyarakat, pengurangan volume kendaraan akan memperlancar
perjalanan. Sehingga, tidak terjadi penumpukan kendaraan karena jalan raya yang menjadi
kawasan ERP kini menjadi barang eksklusif.
Namun, untuk menerapkan sistem teknologi ini juga membutuhkan modal yang tidak
sedikit. Demi kelancaran sistem, pemerintah daerah juga dituntut untuk menyediakan
teknologi yang benar-benar mutakhir. Sedangkan bagi sebagian masyarakat sebagai
pengguna kawasan ERP mungkin akan sedikit memberatkan ekonominya. Kebutuhan
menggunakan jalan memaksa mereka untuk membayar pungutan setiap harinya pada
pemerintah karena melewati kawasan ERP tersebut.
Daftar Pustaka
1. Azizah, Nurul, Deny Arief, dan Hayunesia. 2016. "Tinjauan atas Efektivitas Uji Coba Penerapan Electronic Road Pricing (ERP) dalam Mengurangi Kemacetan Ibu Kota Jakarta". Karya Tulis Ilmiah. Jakarta : Jurusan Manajemen Keuangan Politeknik Keuangan Negara STAN.
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